Teaching Support
Associate Dean Education
Dr Mark Barrow, Associate Dean Education, oversees teaching and learning in the Faculty. Dr Barrow also chairs the Faculty's Education Committee, which functions to maintain and improve the quality of teaching and learning within the Faculty. The Education Committee includes representatives from the five Schools, the various Boards of Study in the Faculty and representatives from various departments and units including the Centre for Medical and Health Sciences Education and the Learning Technology Unit. The Education Committee provides a forum where the Faculty commitment to excellence in teaching is informed by diverse and informed perspectives from across the Faculty.
To achieve our goals, the FMHS strives to attract students of the highest standard and to provide them with a teaching and learning environment in which they will be able to excel in their chosen field of study. We focus on excellence in our curriculum whilst promoting continual pedagogical improvements through course development work carried out within the five Schools and through the activities of the Centre for Medical and Health Sciences Education, the Learning Technology Unit and the Clinical Skills Resource Center.
To ensure that we are meeting our goals, quality assurance processes are built into all aspects of our operations. Our strengths include:
- Enabling the widest possible student access to the Faculty of those who have the potential to succeed.
- Encouraging inter-professional learning across our undergraduate programmes.
- Embracing research-led teaching.
- A focus on teaching excellence through annual teaching and learning awards, the provision of professional development opportunities for staff and pedagogical innovation.
Centre for Medical and Health Sciences Education
The Centre for Medical and Health Sciences Education (CMHSE) is a hub for educational research and scholarship within the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, working across the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Population Health and Medical Science to promote excellence in teaching and learning.
The key activities of CMHSE include:
- Postgraduate Programmes in Clinical Education
CMHSE offers a Masters programme in Clinical Education suitable for those staff whose teaching takes place in a clinical setting. This on-line programme has over 50 students enrolled; engaged in coursework and research. It is now developing capacity for a doctoral programme in Health Sciences Education. - Educational Research in Medical and Health Sciences
CMHSE has an established research track record in educational research and publication. Particular strengths include workplace assessment, simulation-based education, clinical skills, measurement scales in social sciences, evaluation research, interprofessional education and educational leadership. - Faculty Development and Educational Activities
CMHSE engages with academic staff across the Faculty to build capacity in teaching and learning and educational research, providing seminars, short courses and workshops, and engage in projects to promote innovation and best educational practice. Assistance is available to individuals engaged in activities to improve their students' learning. - Engagement with the Wider Educational and Healthcare Community
CMHSE staff provide educational leadership and consultancy at national and international levels through involvement and collaboration with professional bodies, consultancies and societies.
Visit the CMHSE website to find out more about the centre including contact details for staff and the physical location of the centre.
Learning Technology Unit
The purpose of the Learning Technology Unit (LTU) is to support the Faculty in its flexible and distance teaching needs. The LTU achieves this aim through working with all five schools on projects that range from converting face-to-face courses for flexible/distance delivery (particularly at postgraduate level) to enhancing the undergraduate learning experience through the constructive use of technologies in teaching.
Some of the LTU work comes from a project round which is run every October. During this round faculty can submit an expression of interest for a distance and/or flexible learning project. The LTU also provides individualised support for lecturers who want to use technologies in their teaching together with information technology workshops for the faculty. We also teach ClinEd 711- eLearning and Clinical Education - as part of the Masters in Clinical Education.
Visit the LTU website to find out more about the LTU including contact details for staff and the physical location of the unit.
Clinical Skills Resource Centre
The Clinical Skills Resource Centre (CSRC) provides a physical and educational resource in clinical skills learning for health professional programmes within the Faculty.
The CSRC opened in 2001 and initially provided a learning space for the new early clinical skills curriculum in the medical programme and for the new nursing programme. The Centre now accommodates a range of established courses in MBChB, BNurs, postgraduate Nursing programme and BPharm. The core team consists of three part-time staff, the Director, Lecturer and Support Technician. Activities are coordinated through the centre and are delivered by centre staff, academic staff from within faculty and external clinical tutors. The Centre has working relationships with all of the faculty's schools and the other teaching and learning resources; including the Advanced Clinical Skills Centre (ACSC), which provides complementary learning opportunities.
The CSRC has acted as a focus for developing a philosophy of teaching and learning in clinical skills and the staff have been involved in leading local policy and have contributed to the international scholarship in clinical skills learning.
In 2010, the centre will move to a new purpose built space that will better meet the needs of the growing number of students in our programmes, whilst continuing to develop new and innovative learning opportunities.
The CSRC aim to:
- Provide a safe, contemporary, innovative learning space for learning and practicing clinical skills;
- Deliver foundation clinical skills learning in the health professional programmes;
- Review and grow the scope of our learning activities;
- Encourage inter-professional development of learning resources; and
- Base our activity of best educational evidence and to contribute to that evidence base.
Visit the CSRC website to find out more about the CSRC including contact details for staff and the physical location of the centre.
The University of Auckland
Centre for Learning and Research in Higher Education
CLeaR is the University of Auckland's hub for higher education learning and research. Their staff work with academics at all levels of experience and engagement to develop, document and research their teaching.
CLeaR provides research-informed institutional leadership in higher education learning and teaching. The Centre partners with faculties, service divisions, and communities of practice to support and inform the strategic priorities of the University through
- World-class higher education research
- The scholarship of teaching and learning
- Research on the academic engagement, progression and success of staff and students, including equity groups
- Innovation in technology-supported teaching and learning
- Individual and institutional capacity building in teaching, learning and research
The Centre is committed to the historical relationship/position of Māori under the Treaty of Waitangi.
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