Delivery of teaching to facilitate learning
Teaching Activity Area and Performance Criteria
This activity area covers the delivery of teaching to facilitate learning. Teaching might be delivered through lectures, tutorials, seminars, laboratory work, workplace-based teaching and through distance/flexible teaching involving the use of technologies.
When completing your annual performance review, your continuation application or your promotion application you can make use of the criteria below to guide you in selecting specific examples of activities or techniques that you have used to deliver teaching to facilitate learning. For example, you might want to specify the teaching and learning methodologies that you have used to facilitate learning or you might want to describe an innovation in your teaching such as the use of a particular technology. If you have made use of myEPORTFOLIO, you will already have recorded this information.
You can view the full range of activity areas and performance criteria by visiting this web page.
The promotion criteria for this activity area are:
Satisfactory Competent use of a range of teaching and learning methodologies to engage students in the learning process. | Merit Innovation in teaching methodologies and evaluation of impact on learning. Applies appropriate pedagogical frameworks to the improvement of own teaching practice. | Excellence Promotes effective teaching practice at institutional level through mentoring peer review, workshops or seminars. Researches into approaches to teaching that improve learning outcomes. | Distinction National / international standing in furthering understanding of and improving of teaching and learning. |
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