Student Support, Guidance and Supervision
In this section of the hub we focus on how teachers can provide effective academic and pastoral support to students through tutoring and supervision.
Support includes activities such as: working with students (often individually) to help them in setting educational objectives; providing guidance to individuals about the definition, execution and communication of research projects; defining and agreeing learning contracts; academic tutoring; one-to-one advice; and supporting students with special needs. Being aware of support agencies and understanding the processes for referring students to these agencies is also an important aspect of student support.
Research student supervision includes supervising students on a research degree (at honours, masters or doctoral level) as well as providing supervision for students undertaking small scale research projects within an undergraduate or taught masters program. Students working in clinical, laboratory or other workplace settings also require educational and sometimes clinical or technical supervision.
When completing your annual performance review, your continuation application or your promotion application you should use the criteria below to guide you in selecting specific examples of ways in which you have supported, guided and effectively supervised students. For example, specify what you have done to make yourself accessible to your students or relate how you have been proactive in meeting the pastoral and academic needs of your students.
The general promotion criteria for this activity area are:
Satisfactory Provides accessible, appropriate academic support and guidance and maintains good interpersonal relationships with students. Completed University of Auckland requirements for supervision of research students. | Merit Is proactive in meeting the academic and pastoral needs of students through e.g. requesting regular meetings with students. Supervision of research students is planned, negotiated, timely and appropriate. | Excellence Provides leadership in supervision of students and mentoring colleagues. Sought after as a project supervisor, evidence of effective supervisory practices including PhD completions. | Distinction Understands and demonstrates the wider national / international context of professional / career development of students at all levels through research publication and involvement in activities. International standing as an examiner for Doctoral theses in the relevant discipline |

« What is the scholarship of teaching? | How can I provide academic support and guidance to students? » |