Examples of Excellence in Teaching

Around the Faculty there are many examples of excellent teaching and learning practice and innovation. This page lets you view some of these and find out who is doing what.
General teaching
Delivery of teaching to facilitate learning
The challenges and rewards of teaching online - Contraception, Pre and Early Pregnancy Contraception, Pre and Early Pregnancy (OBSTGYN 712) is part of the Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology. The course had previously only been available via audio-conferencing but the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology opted to create a course website and use the online environment for discussion and interaction. They have developed a case-based course that relies on case-related discussion which is accessed and mediated through Cecil. Find out how staff have found the shift to teaching online. More » |
Creating learning resources to teach core concepts
Design and planning of courses/programmes
A presenting complaints curriculum - myPaediatrics myPaediatrics is a website supporting the teaching and learning of 5th year students while they complete the 6 week paediatrics rotation. The website reflects and supports the presenting complaints curriculum which has been adopted by the Department of Paediatrics. Find out more about the site and the student's responses to the new curriculum and to the increased focus on self-directed learning. More » |
Assessing learning and providing feedback
Student support, guidance and supervision
Contribute to this page

Share your examples of quality teaching and learning with the wider academic community. Send us a summary of your project or process for student engagement, research, student support etc. Submissions are sent to John Egan (j.egan@auckland.ac.nz).