Evaluation of practice and continuing professional development
This section of the hub provides a structure for you to think about how you currently evaluate your teaching practice. It will also prompt you to think about continuing professional development (CPD) activities that might help you to improve your teaching practice and the teaching practice of others through sharing what you have learned.
When completing your annual performance review, your continuation application or your promotion application you may want to use the criteria below to guide you in selecting specific examples of ways in which you have evaluated your practice and engaged in continuing professional development. For example, specify what you have done to seek feedback in order to improve your teaching.
The promotion criteria for this activity area are:
Satisfactory Maintains currency in teaching, learning and assessment theory as well as subject discipline by e.g. attending courses, reading relevant literature. Seeks formative and summative feedback from students. Reflects on feedback and makes appropriate changes to practice as a result. Evaluation practices carried out in accordance with the University Handbook on the Evaluation of Courses and Teaching and the Student Evaluation of Courses and Teaching Policy. | Merit Engages departmental colleagues in continuing professional development. Gains additional qualifications in educational theory and practice. | Excellence Leads institutional CPD e.g. establishing meeting groups, setting up virtual networks. Disseminates teaching innovations and excellent practice. | Distinction Leader in developing the scholarship of teaching and learning in others. |

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